Skills acquisition key to diversifying Nigeria’s economy, says Minister

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The Minister of Science and Technology, Mr Ogbonnya Onu, said on Saturday that aptitudes securing preparing was basic to broadening Nigeria's economy.

Onu said this in Jalingo at the graduation of business visionaries sorted out by the Technology Incubation Center, Jalingo.

As per him, aptitudes procurement makes employments, riches and minimizes over reliance on oil income.

"President Muhammadu Buhari is resolved to differentiate our economy by advancing aptitude procurement among Nigerians to minimize importation.

"This nation can't be incredible on the off chance that we continue depending on remote items.

"It is in this way basic for us to relocate from an asset based economy to information and inventive based economy which is the pattern everywhere throughout the world," the pastor said.

Onu said the drop in cost of unrefined petroleum showed that differentiating Nigeria's economy was unavoidable.

"The huge drop in costs of raw petroleum is an eye opener that we can't keep on relying on oil.

"The most critical thing is to utilize our insight to procure abilities for efficiency on the grounds that the wealthiest resource is information not property," he said.

In his reaction, Gov. Darius Ishaku of Taraba, said the state would keep on assisting the Federal Government in accomplishing its target of differentiating the economy and improving the nation's efficiency rate.

The Deputy Gov., Alhaji Haruna Manu, who spoke to Ishaku, recognized the legislature for sorting out the service.

Authentications were displayed to seven business visionaries who worked in nectar preparing, beautifying agents, paint creation, manufacture of processing machines, among others.