Army dismisses Shekau’s new video as mere propagan

19:43:00 Unknown 0 Comments

The Nigerian Army has portrayed the video purportedly discharged by the Boko Haram demonstrating its pioneer as "unimportant psychological militant promulgation."

An announcement by Brig.- Gen. Sani Usman in Abuja on Thursday said the consideration of the Nigerian Army had been attracted to the video cut discharged by the gathering from an undisclosed area, demonstrating its implied pioneer, making spurious cases.

"While exertion is on going to subject the video for further measurable investigation, the Nigerian Army wishes to repeat that it has caught and involved the last known fortress of the fear based oppressors gather in the Sambisa timberland.

"We might want to promise general society that this video is only minor psychological oppressors purposeful publicity went for making dread in the brain of individuals and to stay significant.

"In this way, there is no reason for alert, all the more so as purposeful exertion in clearing the remnants of Boko Haram psychological militants wherever they may stow away is progressing.

"Our heroic troops conveyed in different parts of the North-East have kept on heightening the scan for all people connected with Boko Haram fear based oppressor bunch with a view to conveying them to equity", Usman said.

He encouraged the general population to approach their ordinary legal business, stay watchful and be security cognizant, including that any suspicious individual or gathering of people ought to be accounted for to the security offices.