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Boko Haram Claims 'Nigerian Military Killed Some Chibok Girls Through Air Strikes'

Nigerian military has murdered some Chibok young ladies through arrangement of military air strikes as opposed to slaughtering Boko Haram contenders, an individual from the organization who talked on the power of Abubakar Shekau, pioneer of one of the groups of Jama'atu Ahlus-Sunnah lil-Da'awati wal Jihad broadly known as Boko Haram uncovered in a recently discharged video. The organization likewise expressed that Nigerian government must set free its individuals in confinement as a state of setting the young ladies free. Shekau's illustrative in the video
Nigerian military has slaughtered some Chibok young ladies through arrangement of military air strikes as opposed to murdering Boko Haram contenders, an individual from the organization who talked on the power of Abubakar Shekau, pioneer of one of the groups of Jama'atu Ahlus-Sunnah lil-Da'awati wal Jihad broadly known as Boko Haram uncovered in a recently discharged video.

The faction additionally expressed that Nigerian government must set free its individuals in confinement as a state of setting the young ladies free.

"Some have been executed via air strike of the Nigerian military. We will indicate you clasps of how some were executed by the military through air strikes. We will likewise indicate you clasps of some of them who had broken bodies and wounds taking after the air strikes and air besieging. Like I said, these are the rest of the young ladies; we don't have anything against them. All that we need is you ought to free our siblings.

"In the event that you don't set free our siblings, you ought to know from this minute that you will never recover these young ladies by the force of Almighty Allah. This is the synopsis of our message to the Federal Government and the guardians of Chibok young ladies.

"The center message is to the guardians to win on the Federal Government of Nigeria on the off chance that they don't set free our siblings we won't release these young ladies. We trust you got the message and in this video, you will perceive how the plane bomb and murdered your young ladies. Some had broken bodies and others getting medicinal consideration.

"We need you to know again, we don't have anything to get from these young ladies, yet in the event that you don't set our siblings free, we will never set them free by the force of Almighty Allah. You will perceive how fly murdered your own youngsters."