Gambling With The Lives Of The Chibok Girls By Emmanuel Uchenna Ugwu

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After a 'proof of life' video indicating scores of Chibok young ladies rose on Sunday, the Nigerian Army made a rash stride that is certain to jeopardize the lives of the prisoners: it proclaimed Dubai-based Nigerian writer Ahmed Salkida, Ahmed U. Bolori, and Aisha Wakil needed for as far as anyone knows storing data on the whereabouts of the world's most well known hostages.

The Nigerian Army said Salkida, Bolori and Wakil ''have data on the conditions and the accurate area of these young ladies.'' The trio, the armed force central command proceeded, ''have joins with Boko Haram terrorists and have contacts with them. They should in this way approach and let us know where the gathering is keeping the Chibok Girls and other snatched people to empower us salvage them.''

Salkida is surely understood for his insight into the pecking order and considering Boko Haram administration. He has a superior comprehension of the cosmetics of Boko Haram more than whatever other Nigeria-conceived columnist. He had tweeted that Boko Haram had sent him the video only before it was transferred on Youtube.

Bolori, an occupant of Maiduguri, the support of the "Islamist" organization, is referenced as the "" facilitator of the Fa'ash Foundation and the Partnership Against Violent Extremism (Pave).''

Wakil is a legal advisor and a staff member of the National Human Rights Commission. She was an individual from the Committee on Dialog and Peaceful Resolution of Security Challenges set up by President Goodluck Jonathan in April 2013.

It is stupid to vouch for blamelessness of the three. There is no real way to establish that they have zero sensitivity for Boko Haram. However, it is totally clear from the armed force explanation that the main motivation behind why they maintained Salkida, Bolori and Wakil accomplices to the wrongdoing of terrorism is their uncommon correspondence join with Boko Haram. They are not "blameworthy" past the way that they know and are known by Boko Haram pioneers.

Something else that asks to be induced from this improvement is that the Nigerian Army would not have seen the need to announce the people needed had Boko Haram not distributed the video. The video bumped the armed force. It stirred an armed force that viably passed into unwinding after the strong vigilante, the non military personnel JTF, found, by chance, Amina Ali, a Chibok young lady meandering around the edges of Sambisa backwoods prior in the year.

The video humiliated the armed force heavy hitters. They expected that it would remind the Nigerian individuals that the Nigerian armed force deserted the possibility of seeking after the salvage of the young ladies. The commanders approved the manhunt stunt to make the feeling that they were completely drawn in with saving the young ladies from the start.

The Nigerian Army has a notoriety for being excessively cautious of its name and it has a shortcoming of putting it all on the line to clergyman a picture of polished skill even to the detriment of demonstrable skill itself.

For this situation, the Nigerian Army did not welcome any of the three Nigerians ''for cross examination.'' If it was important to meeting them, reasonability requires that it ought to be done circumspectly and unobtrusively. You welcome them covertly. You communicate with them deferentially. You treat them with respect.

The Nigerian Army overlooked obligingness, conventionality and basic civility and pronounced them needed, refering to the letters of the Terrorism Prevention Act 2011 as power. It was just urgent to be seen to have taken an action...even on the off chance that it was a stupid one!

It's practically obviously that people in general manhunt of the three is an activity dispossessed of judgment skills. What's more, it holds the intense guarantee of being counterproductive.

Boko Haram has been keeping the young ladies as negotiating advantages for some time now. Knowing the enthusiasm of the universal group in the narrative of the abducted young ladies, the terrorists hold the young ladies as their capital for arrangement. Presently lessened to a rear end by military strikes and broke by an ideological common war, the Boko Haram camp has a more noteworthy impetus to fix the chain around the young ladies.

In the video, one of the young ladies – later recognized by her mom as Dorcas Yakubu - is heard talking her local Kibaku dialect. She asked Nigerian authorities to consent to a swap bargain in which they will be conceded opportunity in return for the arrival of captured Boko Haram warriors. She clearly resounded the transcription of her captors.

The assertion that Salkida, Bolori and Wakil are needed will accomplish the end of tossing Boko Haram into frenzy inclination. Furthermore, in that mind-set, odds are phenomenal that the sociopaths, celebrated around the world to be medication addicts, can do the most absurd thing: A preposterous thing that will abandon the assumed point of the manhunt, which is the salvage of the young ladies alive.

The Nigerian Army has an inadequate insight framework. It highlighted that vital shortage by pronouncing Salkida, Bolori and Wakil needed for not volunteering data on the ''conditions and correct area of the young ladies.'' The Nigerian Army presented itself to criticize by certifying that it had no earlier arrangement for the salvage of the young ladies and that it expects to figure one on the premise of the mien and affirmation of three Nigerian regular people!

Here's a conundrum to contemplate: What might the Nigerian Army do if Salkida, Bolori and Wakil declined to talk? Would the armed force torment them? Then again would the armed force suggest them for indictment?

It's a disgrace that over two years after Boko Haram terrorists snatched the high school young ladies from their school in Chibok, the universe of Nigerian security organizations – containing the Nigerian Police, the Nigerian military, the Department of State Security, the Nigerian Intelligence Agency – is ignorant regarding the area of the young ladies. Also, it's a greater disgrace that the Nigerian Army doesn't know about the suggestion to national security of broadcasting to the entire world that Nigeria has a joke of an insight framework that does not have the innovation and aptitude to find prisoners in a known woodland inside the fringes of Nigeria!

Boko Haram guaranteed in the video that the Nigerian Army slaughtered a few of the Chibok young ladies in airstrikes. The Nigerian Army, consistent with sort, denied. In any case, how is the Nigerian Army in a position to realize that a portion of the young ladies were not devoured by its shelling of Sambisa woodland when it truly knows nothing about the definite area of the young ladies?

The Nigerian Army has dependably demanded the legitimacy of its single story to the extent the war against Boko Haram is concerned. In March 2015, they captured two Aljazeera columnists, Ahmed Idris and Mustafa Andy, for ""sauntering"" in the forefronts of Maiduguri. The charge was silly, at the very least since it is unfathomable that two rational writers would consider a battlefield a perfect spot for relaxed walking!

The armed force charges Salkida, Bolori and Wakil of dispersing Boko Haram recordings. Boko Haram can distribute their promulgation recordings by different mysterious means. With or without the three, the terrorists can simply transfer their material on the web.

The exploitation of Salkida, Bolori and Wakil is silly. They ought to be important contacts for arranging the arrival of the young ladies. Their disgracing and badgering will just serve to terrify different Nigerians who have a non-criminal association with Boko Haram into the wardrobe.

A serving representative, Sani Shehu, is known not "connections" to Boko Haram authority. He has affirmed this various times. What's more, he frequently remarks about his capacity to converse with the most noteworthy echelon of Boko Haram. Only this, doesn't suffice to make Sani a Boko Haram sympathizer.

Truly Boko Haram terrorists are Nigerians. They had ordinary interpersonal connections before they absconded to terrorism. As reprobates, they will keep on maintaining a level of association with the outside society.

It benefits the Nigerian state to distinguish those residents that have sound association with the terrorists and work with them to secure the arrival of the young ladies. Whatever other strategy that is not arranged discharge is loaded with restrictive danger.

The armed force says Salkida, Bolori and Wakil must unveil the definite area of the young ladies so Nigerian officers can take the bearing and protect the young ladies. There is no insurance that the three realize that much. The precise area of the young ladies must be Boko Haram's most protected mystery. Be that as it may, accepting that they are aware of present circumstances and that they are prepared to uncover same, does the armed force have any methodology to execute a salvage at no human expense? Then again does the armed force need to save the young ladies dead?

The announcement that Salkida, Bolori and Wakil are needed will provoke the terrorists to move the young ladies. Also, it will expand the readiness of the terrorists to challenge the attack of their space. If the armed force is sufficiently imprudent to endeavor a salvage by military victory, the young ladies will be lost. The terrorists will murder the young ladies. They can't permit the Nigerian Army the radiance and joy of commandingly safeguarding the Chibok young ladies alive.

This ludicrous manhunt was requested by the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Tukur Yusuf Buratai. He is a general of motivation. He unleashed officers on Shiites in Zaria and constrained a chain of occasions that saw 347 individuals slaughtered in light of the fact that a regular citizen parade prevented him right from claiming way. It is his motivation that educated this careless bet with the lives of Chibok young ladies.

President Muhammadu Buhari would do well to limit Buratai. In the event that any catastrophe occurs for the Chibok young ladies as an outcome of the wrongheaded manhunt for Salkida, Bolori and Waklida, blood will be staring Buhari in the face. Furthermore, he won't have extravagance of playing a Pontus Pilate. He will need to hold up under a definitive obligation as the officeholder president of Nigeria.