Full Text Of Aisha Buhari's Interview With BBC Hausa

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 This is the full content from the meeting of First Lady of Nigeria, Aisha Buhari, by BBC Hausa Service:

BBC Hausa: It has been One and a half years since President Muhammadu Buhari came into power, many individuals are communicating their misery over the way few colleague of the President have captured control while disregarding individuals that work for his prosperity. Like we have guaranteed, here is the means by which the meeting with Aisha Buhari and Naziru Maka'ilu from Abuja goes.

BBC Hausa: People have goodwill towards President Muhammadu Buhari, particularly taking a gander at the things he did some time recently, yet since coming into power things have not been working the way they ought to, what do you thing is the cause?

Aisha Buhari: I am not an administration official, but rather as I would like to think as a lady, a mother, what I believe is it is outstanding that the initial 4 years are not going to be simple. Firstly, it was individuals that brought the legislature into power. More than half of those individuals are not delegated into the administration. A few people that are not legislators, not experts were brought into the legislature. They don't realize what we said we need and what we don't amid the crusade. They even turn out and say to individuals we are not government officials, but rather they are possessing the workplaces implied for lawmakers. Some have separated with their spouses, some lost their kids lost, a few ladies too have separated with their husbands in light of legislative issues, a considerable measure happened amid the time. The way things are going I too I am not upbeat. We are simply beginning, we have not wrapped up. A few people that worked for the administration have been selected. Be that as it may, those heading government offices you can discover one battling his state representative, they challenged together amid decision one in APC while in PDP.

BBC Hausa: Who are those doing these sorts of things?

Aisha Buhari: Everybody knows them. Those individuals ought to realize that individuals voted independently. Indeed, even Buhari too had one vote. No one voted 5 times. 15.429 Million People. That one that individuals are thinking as well, he had just exactly 2 or 3 individuals. I am arguing to them to have the general population on a fundamental level and grasp everyone with the goal that we can all move together. Not even now in 2016 or 17, parcel of individuals are making divisions inside the APC, which is our wellspring of concern. They think they have worked for the legislature while those named some of them had no voter's card. What I dread is uprising of 15.4 million individuals.

BBC Hausa: Is the President mindful a few people are subverting his legislature?

Aisha Buhari: Whether he knows or he don't, those that voted in favor of him knows.

BBC Hausa: But you are the most nearest to him, did you let him know?

Aisha Buhari: There is nothing I can let him know, he is seeing things himself. Out of the general population he has designated, take 50, 45 of them I don't have any acquaintance with them. Maybe he doesn't have any acquaintance with them as well. I have been living with him for a long time.

BBC Hausa: Do you think there are a few people that are directing to the President things to do, not him?

Aisha Buhari: That is the thing that I am stating, those that know they don't have voters card, they ought to offer opportunity to those that have, they are the ones that battled and comprehends what we need to do. Some of them on the off chance that you go to a meeting with them they will let you know, we are not government officials, on the off chance that some individual is shrewd, they won't acknowledge to take any political office. They didn't work for it. Regardless of the possibility that you are asked to, you ought to say it is not my calling. Those spots not headed by government officials will bring about individuals discontent.

BBC Hausa: One would ponder to hear you say a few people have captured the administration without him knowing, however who do you believe are those individuals?

Aisha Buhari: I don't have any acquaintance with them, I don't have any acquaintance with them. I don't have any acquaintance with them

BBC Hausa: But a few people are calling names, saying 2 or 3 are the ones, do you that also?

Aisha Buhari: Yes I concur. Due to those designated separated from Fashola, Ameachi and some others, very little, I don't have any acquaintance with them, the vast majority of us too don't have any acquaintance with them, and he too does not know them

BBC Hausa: One would ponder that Buhari is not the one charge knowing him as a man who had initiative encounters, individuals would not accept

Aisha Buhari: Yes it is amazing; no one thought it will be this way. Yet, now that it is so… now and again when one is accomplishing something incorrectly without him knowing, however when individuals converse with them, they ought to tune in. Since later on, whether he is going to challenge or not, it is that same individuals that would vote in favor of APC. We trust those individuals don't return, and everyone don't trust so as well

BBC Hausa: You said "Whether he is going to challenge later on or not", has he unveil it to you whether he is standing or not?

Aisha Buhari: He didn't let me know, however I have decided.

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