Girls in Aba start sex at age 10 , research shows Read more at: fayorizu

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A medicinal professional, Dr Godwin Uwaoma, said on Monday that young ladies in Aba, Abia participate in dynamic sexual exercises from the age of 10, raising higher odds of contracting HIV. Uwaoma, the Chairman of the Thematic Working Group at the Nigerian Faith Based Advisory Council for AIDS (NFACA), told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Aba that a 2014 research uncovered the advancement. He said that the study was led to discover the consciousness of preventive measures among adolescents in the optional schools for the Department of Public Health at the Imo State University. "We found that a few young ladies in Aba begin sexual exercises at the age 10 to 12 and that at 12 years old, young ladies in Aba have "normal beaus" with whom they consent to engage in sexual relations consistently. "This was not known some time recently. Typically HIV aversion was focused at age 15 upward yet we now realize that before 15 they have turned out to be sexually dynamic. "What's more, there is a ton of distinction between when you are constrained into it and you evacuate yourself from that point and when at this age you now have a normal accomplice. "That was what we found and it is not ordinary but rather a deviation yet clearly the truth of the matter is there," he said. At an address sorted out by the Aba section of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) to stamp their week, Uwaoma called for anticipation as opposed to cure which was inaccessible for HIV cases. He asked the understudies to stop from watching explicit movies, playing sexual recreations with inverse sex and keeping awful companions to spare them from sexual enticements. In another address titled "Sex and Puberty," Dr Kenneth Ngwogu, a teacher at the Abia State University, said that pubescence got changes character and body piece to youngsters. Noticing that most adolescents destroyed their lives through unsafe activities like early sex, Ngwogu encouraged them to counsel specialists or grown-ups to deal with the difficulties of adolescence. He charged the young to stop from sexual exercises which could refocus their consideration while in school to achieve their objectives of getting to be effective individuals.