Court jails soldier over assault

08:10:00 Unknown 0 Comments

A Nigerian Army Court military has sentenced Staff Sergeant, Umar Sale to three years detainment for bringing about substantial mischief to a male youngster in Maiduguri.

In his decision in Maiduguri on Tuesday, the President of the court, Brig.- Gen. Olusegun Adeniyi, said the convict would likewise be downgraded to private as a major aspect of his discipline.

"Staff Sgt. Umar Sale, you have been discovered blameworthy of the charges against you, having listened to the presentation of the indictment to regard you as a first guilty party.''

The president said that offenses were as opposed to Section 104 (2b) of the Armed Forces Act Cap A 20 laws of the organization 2004 and Section 119 of the Armed Forces Act A 20.

"The court thusly sentences you as takes after; on check one, three years detainment, on number two, downgrade to a private.

"The sentence is be that as it may, subject to affirmation by the power as gave by areas 141 (2) and 152 (1a) of the Armed Forces Act top a 20 laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 2004,'' he said.

Umar was asserted to have tied up a young person, Muhammad Sale on an electronic post for a few hours making him lose one of his hands.

The youngster was blamed for taking cash having a place with the officer.