Robbers attack Onazi’s Jos home, beat father

05:51:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Outfitted burglars on Monday assaulted the Jos home of Super Eagles midfielder Ogenyi Onazi.

The thieves who were four in number took away a few significant things including a white Toyota Highlander and an undisclosed measure of money.

fayorizu learnt that no live was lost despite the fact that they physically attacked the father of the Nigerian universal.

The footballer who addressed a dear companion in Nigeria from his base in Turkey, Onazi uncovered that the looters put on a show to be messenger men with a letter to be conveyed to his dad.

He said, "Those thieves came, imagining they were there to convey a letter to my father at around 1.40pm on Monday. However, when he gathered their fake letter and asked where it was originating from they swooped on him, tied his hands, beat him up, causing cleaver cuts on him all the while.

" They let him know this is the first in a progression of assaults that they will dispatch on our home and that I( Onazi) will be their objective whenever.

"Those folks took as much time as necessary to take some important materials including auto and some money however I am appreciative to God they didn't accomplish more than that."

As of now, the siblings of the Eagles star and other relatives have reported the episode to the police who have guaranteed to convey the gangsters to book furthermore help with the recuperation of the stolen things.

Ogenyi Onazi's father has additionally been released from clinic where he was dealt with for the wounds delivered on him amid the difficulty.