Airport Concession: No job losses, Sirika assures aviation workers

08:53:00 Unknown 0 Comments

The Minister of State for Aviation, Captain Hadi Sirika, has guaranteed unions in the flying business that the proposed concessioning of the four air terminals won't prompt occupation misfortunes.

Sirika gave the confirmation at a meeting with the Air Transport Senior Staff Services of Nigeria (ATSSSAN) and the National Union of Air Transport Employees (NUATE) in Lagos.

The Federal Government had shown its enthusiasm to concession the Lagos, Abuja, Kano and Port Harcourt Airports, toward expanding their ability and productivity.

Sirika revealed this was the main stage, taking note of that all the 22 air terminals possessed by the Federal Government would be concessioned toward the end of the second stage.

He said the meeting was to give the unions the chance to end up individuals from the Concession Project Delivery Committee and empower them improve contributions to the procedure.

As per him, the administration's resolve to concession the air terminals is gone for guaranteeing the foundation and sustenance of world-class measures in base improvement and administration conveyance.

He guaranteed the unions that concession was not equivalent to privatization or out and out deal, clarifying that the offices being concessioned remained the properties of the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) and Nigeria.

The pastor said: "You see government has no arrangements at all to offer national resources so it is sheer misguided judgment.

"In all actuality government does not have cash to contribute and regardless of the fact that it could, with the sheer organization it could take 10 years and Nigerians are burnt out on what is on ground and need something new."

He noticed that private speculators could give subsidizing to development of world-class terminals in Nigeria under the assemble, work and exchange process which would be useful to the nation sooner rather than later.

"The vision of the administration is draw in all partners and individuals who have a stake in what we are doing, particularly on the concessioning of our air terminals and different things we plan to do," Sirika said.

He likewise said two boards had been initiated to mid-spouse the procedure, focusing on that there would be consistent engagement of partners toward guaranteeing what was best for the nation.

The President of ATSSSAN, Mr Benjamin Okewu, who talked for the benefit of the unions, noticed that the unions were not in concurrence with the concession of the income producing airplane terminals.

Okewu, in any case, concurred that concession done in different climes had come about to expanded income, working of base and different improvements.

He likewise said the unions would meet to ponder on their participation of the Project Delivery Committee which was reached out to them by the priest and expressed gratitude toward him for the motion.