Released Lawyer Issues 30-Day Ultimatum To Supreme Court Judge Mary Odili To Resign

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Released Lawyer Issues 30-Day Ultimatum To Supreme Court Judge Mary Odili To Resign

Radical attorney and human rights dissident, Timipa Jenkins Okponipere, today gave Justice Mary Odili of the Supreme Court a 30-day final proposal, starting July 20, to leave respectably, saying he plans to continue his determined battle to push her out of the country's top court.

Radical legal counselor and human rights lobbyist, Timipa Jenkins Okponipere, today gave Justice Mary Odili of the Supreme Court a 30-day final offer, starting July 20, to leave respectably, saying he expects to continue his determined battle to push her out of the country's top court.

He issued the final offer after his release by Chief Magistrate Ahmed Usman Shuaibu of the Chief Magistrate Court in Abuja from a criminal accusation of mimic as a legal advisor recorded against him by the Inspector General of Police upon a protestation byJustice Odili.

"She's not just degenerate; she constitutes an awful case to the more youthful era," the legal advisor attested in an announcement.

"Experiencing childhood in Port Harcourt and later examining law at the State University, we as a whole saw Chief Magistrate Mary Odili (as she then seemed to be), as The Incorruptible Judge. When I established my law office in 2004 I had her official representation hung at a key corner. I've subsequent to brought down the damn picture!"

He spoke to President Muhammadu Buhari, the International Bar Association (IBA), the media and common society gatherings to appreciate his endeavors to free the Supreme Court of Justice Odili.

"I am making this claim on account of my conviction that Chief Justice Mahmud Mohammed and the National Judicial Council (NJC) are one-sided and have in this manner declined to follow up on my two past petitions with respect to the matter," he said.

Mr. Okponipere was captured in the premises of the Federal High Court in Abuja last February not long after he showed up before Justice Anwuri Chikere to move an application looking for the expulsion of Justice Odili from the Supreme Court seat for asserted legal unfortunate behavior.

He stated that in 2013, Justice Odili disregarded the Code of Conduct for Judicial Officers in Nigeria when she heard and conveyed judgment in a Criminal Appeal in which the Record of Appeal demonstrated that she was the complainant, the prosecutor and the judge against him, who was a gathering for the situation.

"Equity Odili's behavior is accepted to be a legal offense which is referred to in legitimate speech as "NEMO JUDEX IN CAUSA SUA" (No man ought to be a Judge in his own case). The case is accounted for in the Nigerian Weekly Law Report as TIMIPA OKPONIPERE VS. THE STATE (2013) 10 NWLR (1362).

With today's release, Mr. Okponipere's asserted that his status as a bonafide legal advisor in Nigeria has been re-affirmed, and he communicated his preparation to resume arraignment of the case looking for Justice Odili's remove from the Supreme Court seat.

That case is as yet pending before Justice Chikere of the Federal High Court in Abuja.