Breaking News: Indonesia Executes 3 Nigerians By Firing Squad

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Breaking News: Indonesia Executes 3 Nigerians By Firing Squad
Indonesia has executed three Nigerian medication convicts by terminating squad, an authority said.

The Nigerians were executed alongside one Indonesian on Thursday, the affirmation came soon after 12 pm (neighborhood time) and occurred in spite of substantial downpour and rainstorms.

Appointed Attorney-General for General Crimes Noor Rachmad said one nearby and three Nigerian medication convicts were executed by terminating squad.

"The executions were for the present led on four convicts on death column," he said.

"This was done not so as to take lives but rather to stop underhanded goals, and the insidious demonstration of medication trafficking."

He didn't say why 10 other medication convicts, who had been relied upon to confront the terminating squad, were not executed, in spite of the fact that the island where the convicts were being killed was hit by a noteworthy tempest as the executions occurred.