The Truth!,Why Jonathan Asked Dasuki to Give Me N100m – Okup

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The Truth!,Why Jonathan Asked Dasuki to Give Me N100m – Okup
Dr. Doyin Okupe, previous Senior Special Assistant on Public Affairs to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, has clarified why he gathered N100million from previous National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki.

Okupe in a Facebook post composed, "The underlying N50m was affirmed by the President to be paid to me from his security vote. N10m was to outfit my leased living condo and another N10m for my office. The equalization N30m was endorsed as take-off gift.

"The N10m I got from the ONSA month to month was to run my office, pay rates of staff, including overheads, pay costs for our various question and answer sessions, pay for distributions in daily papers, magazines, nearby and remote, TV projects, announcements, and media specialists who help and encourage our work. I had around 23 staff, 11 were graduates out of which five were graduate degree holders.

"The second N50m was affirmed again by Mr. President when I answered to him that the month to month remittance had been sliced from N10m to N5m and that I was no more in a position to continue running a one-hour NTA system program called INSIGHT which was disclosed 9-10am each Friday.

"We paid NTA about N1.2m month to month for a broadcast appointment. Two moderators were paid N600,000 month to month. We paid for tapes and altering per program. Other than we likewise pay an honorarium for visitors either specifically or in the type of in bills for those outside Abuja or transportation.

"This expense averagely N500,000 week after week or about N2m month to month. With everything taken into account, we spend about N4m month to month on the project. Mr. President guaranteed to help with the costs. Around a couple of months after the fact when we had acquired a few obligations the NSA sent me this N50m which was to take care of the expense of the project for 12 months."