I Regret Marrying Many Wives – Jide Kosoko

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I Regret Marrying Many Wives – Jide Kosoko

Veteran on-screen character, Jide Kosoko, has uncovered he wouldn't urge any man to wed more than one spouse. This is what he told NigerianTribune when he was inquired:

Do you lament being a polygamist?

Oh my goodness, I don't supplicate that my adversary ought to practice polygamy. What's more, this ought to be a lesson to the youthful ones coming. I know a few people will say their religion grants it, however, the religion did not implement it. I have genuine business to do now. I have youthful kids to deal with.

It is over 41 days since you lost your better half, Henrietta. It is on record that you have continued work.

How have you been adapting to existence without her?

When you say how I have been adapting, sincerely I don't know how to answer that inquiry. I don't know whether I ought to let you know I have been fine or something else. I can just say God has been my stone till this minute. Truly I am yet to deal with the truth that she is no more. I would prefer not to trust that she is no more. Such a large number of things have been coming up since she passed away and I know things will proceed with like that for quite a while.

When she kicked the bucket, there were distinctive reports about what prompted her demise. The most prominent one was that she kicked the bucket of diabetes. Might you be able to let us know what prompted her passing and your last minutes with her?

Despite everything you won't quit getting some information about her. Everyone recognizes what prompted her demise. It is as of now in people in general space. She kicked the bucket of entanglements emerging from diabetes.

Why did her family demand that she ought to be covered in Delta State against the course of action you had made for her to be covered in Lagos State?

That was the confusion that individuals had about the internment. Since the day she passed on, her family had needed her to be covered in Delta. There were no issues about that by any stretch of the imagination. I was just attempting to expect her to be covered in Lagos.

What sort of relationship did you have with her folks; did you get their favors before you chose to wed her?

Since the start of our relationship, her dad did not dither to tell me that they had traditions and convention that must be entirely stuck to. The man let me know that I am giving you my little girl however I am not discharging the rope. So when she passed on, I just suggested that she ought to be covered in Lagos yet I am a man of society and I regard custom exceptionally well. Along these lines, there was simply about where she would be covered in light of the fact that we definitely knew where we were going.

How are you adapting to the suggestion hawked in a few quarters that losing three spouses was not regular?

Segun, why are you making this inquiry? I trust you don't need us to end this meeting? I would prefer not to begin talking about all that. I don't realize what you anticipate that I will let you know. Henrietta lived with me for more than 20 years. I never expected or asked that she would bite the dust. It disheartens my heart when I hear individuals saying a wide range of things in regards to her demise. We as a whole result in these present circumstances world at one point in time and our way out will happen one day in any case. God is the provider of life. He gives it and takes it when He prefers. I wish I could prevent Henrietta from biting the dust. I trust she passed on at God's delegated time for her. In the event that the ball is in my court tomorrow, I won't surpass that day. It is in whose spot to say that somebody's passing is not common? I abandon them to their conviction. I abandon them to God.