Policemen protest against transfer to North without incentives

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Stressed over their exchange toward the Northern zone of the nation without motivators, around 1,260 policemen from six South West conditions of the nation have whined intensely against the "lopsided"‎ practice from the Nigeria Police Service Commission.

As indicated by a flag marked by AIG Abdul Bude from Force Headquarters, Abuja and dated December 24, 2016 with reference no CB 4770/FS/FHQ/ABJ/Vol. 5/232, the influenced policemen have been commanded to continue in Kaduna on January 4, 2017.

In spite of the fact that they concurred that their essential duty as security specialists was to ensure lives and property, the distressed policemen said they are not happy with the way the exchange was taken care of.

The Guardian assembled that comparative moves done in 1997, 2003 and 2015 recorded substantial losses among policemen from the South West because of the nonappearance of fundamental offices while their northern partners did not endure such destiny.

One of the influenced policemen who talked on state of secrecy said their northern partners who were similarly exchanged in the meantime toward the South West supposedly disregarded the exchange.

The influenced policeman regretted that most officers from the South West who were moved in the past had been squandered by Boko Haram guerillas.

Different grievances of the policemen incorporate non-arrangement of vehicles that would pass on them to their new stations; non-arrangement of convenience and other welfare administrations, dialect hindrance and non-nature with the northern landscape.

These, he said, had made them simple prey to the agitators including that the setback figure experienced by his associates the South West was more contrasted with their northern partners.

He said, "since they began the exchange, lives of a few policemen from the South West extraction have been squandered in light of the fact that when they exchanged them, the power would not give all important offices, for example, cash, convenience and arms and this made them inclined to assaults by the extremists".

"We are not glad by any stretch of the imagination. This same exchange had at first been halted by the National Assembly and an effective government official from the South West in 2015. It is the same policemen that are being exchanged at this point. We knew this in light of the fact that the letter sent to them was tended to with their previous positions while these policemen had been exchanged by the previous Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase".

With the exchange, he said, the police powers have run foul of a before record, which expresses that no policeman ought to be exchanged outside his zone.

"We are not saying we ought not be exchanged but rather given them a chance to give empowering environment to us to work. They can't simply keep on making us conciliatory sheep," the officers shouted out