FUTO, host communities bicker over ownership of land

23:04:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Pioneers of 11 host groups of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, (FUTO), Imo State have challenged asserted control of around 4,050 hectares of land by the college in insubordination to the choice by the Imo State government to extract 3,123 hectares to the groups.

Talking in the interest of the groups, one of the pioneers, Chief Sam Anokam, demanded that the organization must extract certain parts of the procured arrive, expressing that the establishment obtained human settlement, in Ihiagwa and Eziobodo, and also Owerri West Local Council of the state in disregard to the National Universities Commission (NUC), mandate ashore securing in such circumstance.

He claimed that few petitions have been composed to progressive leaders of the establishment on the matter, blaming them for not making themselves accessible on the best way to determine the matter.

In any case, responding, the Vice chancellor of the establishment, Prof. Francis Eze, asserted that the host groups were debilitating the presence of the college.

As indicated by him, they have been included in offering parts of the university's' property for the arranged development of a Teaching Hospital to purchasers. He cautioned the general population to be cautious of such dealings regretting that regardless of the business openings and different honors of agreements to the groups, despite everything they challenge them.

Communicating worries on the position of the V.C, an Estate Surveyor, just distinguished as Anokam, said the contention by Prof. Eze, that the Port-Harcourt Road end of the land would require more than 1,000 hectares of land to fabricate the arranged development of FUTO Teaching Hospital, was not worthy to the groups at that area. He demanded that the Owerri North end of the organization could suit not exactly such spread of land.

He blamed powers for the foundation of not satisfying their Corporate Social Responsibility of utilizing indigenes of the groups and infringing on Umuezeala, Eziobodo, Ebikoro, Amaeze, Uba-Eziobodo lands, among others.

As indicated by him, the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, has around 800 hectares of land for such healing facility, asking why FUTO required such span of land.

Anokam said FUTO had just paid remuneration for around 1,000 hectares of land out of more than 4,000 it obtained, demanding that the securing procedure was not finished by that reason.

"We approach the Federal Government to set up ta Technical Committee of center experts to see with their own eyes and compose an answer to settle in this manner matter, if the Federal Government need to settle this matter earnestly," he expressed.