Traditional accounting system blamed for increase in fraud

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Society for Forensic Accounting and Fraud Prevention (SFAFP), has faulted the expansion in instances of digital and bookkeeping extortion on disappointment of customary bookkeeping framework and misrepresentation control.

Board Chairman of the affiliation, Benjamin C. Osisioma, yesterday, at the lady enlistment of partners, noticed that customary review models are no longer ready to give money related oversight to corporate exercises.

As indicated by him, the affiliation, joined in 2011, was started to guarantee proficient refinement in the preparation and improvement of criminological bookkeepers.

"Extortion is the worldwide biggest industry and has sold the fate of numerous. It likewise executes societal qualities, particularly in a general public that commends realism.

"Nigeria has paid awesome cost for extortion, basically on the grounds that customary controls had flopped in keeping back the conduit," he expressed.

The general public, Osisioma additionally stated, is situated to convey great support of cultivate trustworthiness and fabulousness in misrepresentation aversion.

In his comments, the Executive Secretary (SFAFP), Dr. Abuchi Ogbuju, said his association would build up the fundamental abilities for scientific bookkeepers and misrepresentation directors.