Nigeria 14th largest UN troops contributing nation, says report

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Nigeria is the world's fourteenth biggest troops contributing country to UN peacekeeping operations, as indicated by the most recent information distributed by the UN peacekeeping.

The information acquired by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in New York, demonstrated that Nigeria contributed a sum of 2, 170 peacekeeping work force in 2016.

As at August 31, 2016, Nigeria had given 403 policemen, 46 military specialists and 1,721 troops, out of which 232 were females.

As indicated by the information, the biggest givers to UN peacekeeping missions are Ethiopia with 8,326, India with 7,471 work force and Pakistan which contributed 7,161.

Jamaica, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Latvia, and the previous Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, contributed the minimum with one each.

Nigeria positions eighth in Africa after Ethiopia, Burkina Faso – 3,036, Egypt – 2,889, Ghana – 2,972, Rwanda – 6,146, Senegal – 3,617 and Tanzania – 2,341.

"As we begin this New Year, more than 115,000 individuals from 123 nations strive to look after peace.

"They are regular citizen, police and military faculty conveyed in 16 UN peacekeeping missions over the world," the report said.

It said UN peacekeeping helps nations torn by struggle to make conditions for enduring peace.

"Peacekeeping has ended up being a standout amongst the best apparatuses accessible to the UN to help have nations explore the troublesome way from struggle to peace.''